No worries! I don't expect everyone to like it. And yeah, it's very different from the original (which is why I thought it would be fun to expand it into its own thing - the main concept has nothing to do with the original HP). The new/original version will be VERY different of course, and probably significantly darker, and the characters will be even more different than the originals. It's only going to be marginally connected to this one, tbh, and I don't expect to use many of the actual words of this (if any), although I won't know for sure until I start writing it.
Have to admit losing interest in the fan fiction, rewriting too much of original storylines
No worries! I don't expect everyone to like it. And yeah, it's very different from the original (which is why I thought it would be fun to expand it into its own thing - the main concept has nothing to do with the original HP). The new/original version will be VERY different of course, and probably significantly darker, and the characters will be even more different than the originals. It's only going to be marginally connected to this one, tbh, and I don't expect to use many of the actual words of this (if any), although I won't know for sure until I start writing it.
And I banned Bob, fyi. Bob was giving me some VERY bad advice, and I decided it wasn't a good use of my time to argue with him.
While I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be sending emails for fan fic any longer, I want to make sure everyone has this - I just found this as an explanation for how to unsubscribe from sections on here, including the section marked "fan fiction":